Saturday, May 30, 2009

Back on the "Neb"

Claire had a strange and unexpected appearance of asthma, accompanied by pneumonia in the beginning of April. One week on a nebulizer and some antibiotics cleared her up just fine. She's been fine since then until yesterday, when after two days of a runny nose, she started wheezing again. The doctor found an ear infection (not pneumonia, thankfully) this time, so we're back on the nebulizer and antibiotics again! It's so strange to me how my little girl can be as healthy as can be and all of the sudden can't breathe. I don't know whether allergies are causing her troubles, or what, but I'm hoping we can get it all under control soon.

The medicine that accompanies the nebulizer has had some interesting side effects. It seems to make Claire very hyper and talkative. She is for the most part a very cheerful (even more than usual) little girl, but occasionally something will upset her and she is having a meltdown. It's like this medicine has her on emotional highs and lows. Fortunately, there have been more highs than lows.

Pictures from April with "Big Night-Night" and the Nebulizer:

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