Monday, March 3, 2008

More Silly Claire Sayings and A Trip to the Zoo

The other day I was getting ready to go to a baby shower, and I decided to spend a little more time on my hair than usual. I usually straighten it and curl it under, but I curled it a little more this time. As soon as I was finished, Claire looked up at me and said, "Mommy, your hair is all messy."

Just this morning, Claire came walking out of the bathroom with a book in her hand saying, "Mommy, my book is all wet." Since she was walking out of the bathroom, I was a little concerned. Looking at the book and seeing that in fact, the cover of the book was very wet, I asked, "How did the book get all wet?" Claire's response was, "I got 'bless-yous' all over it." I asked, "Do you mean you sneezed on it?" "Yeah, I sneezed on it." I was quite relieved that the book didn't come in contact with any toilet water, but still pretty amazed that she had that big of a sneeze - it was really wet!

Later, Claire declared out of the blue, "I'm so glad!" "What are you so glad about?" I asked. Claire exclaimed, "Your hair!" (Maybe she was glad I didn't curl it the way I did the other day.)

We also took advantage of the nice weather today and took a trip to the zoo. We packed a picnic lunch to eat while we were there. Here are a few pictures from our trip.

Claire eating her lunch...

Tom Turkey...

Claire and a Goose hiding under the bridge...

Prairie Dog...

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