My beautiful little Claire Bear is three years old tomorrow. It's so hard to believe! The past three years have been filled with joyful as well as sorrowful times, but through it all, God has never ceased to be faithful to Claire and I. I thank him everyday for this wonderful gift he has given me - a beautiful daughter. But as I thank him for this gift, it reminds me of the greatest gift he has given me. His only son. When I think about how much I treasure Claire, it's so difficult to understand how God would give up his only son to die for a sinner like me, so he could rescue me from my sin and call me his daughter. This is the most precious gift - his son. And to top it all off, he has also blessed me with my Claire Bear!
Here are just a few pictures of the past three years...
The first few hours...

The first few weeks...

One year old (yes, she's playing inside the toybox)...

Two years old...

Three years old!!...

Happy Birthday, Claire!
happy birthday Claire!!! We love you so much. We are sorry we couldn't be at your party but we were thinking of you. We miss you and we hope that we can see you soon. Can't wait! It is so amazing to see what a beautiful little girl you are. We thank Jesus that you are in our lives and we pray for you often.
Uncle Seth and Aunt Janet
Today is your day! Happy Birthday Sweetheart. Thank you for all the joy you bring to our lives. Love, Stacy and Jimmy
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