Last Saturday morning, Laura, her mom (Sue), Claire, and I all left Laura's house to go to Boston for the day. Laura drove us into the city and parked at her work. From there, we took the T (subway) to the Boston Children's Museum. We had SO MUCH fun!! (And I mean all of don't have to be a "child" to enjoy a children's museum!) Here are some highlights...
Claire and I in front of the Boston Children's Museum...
Laura & Sue
Having fun in the Bubbles room...
Claire in the Boats Afloat room...
The Pico Duarte Market...
Working the cash register...
That's a lot of groceries!!
After the Children's Museum, we headed to Quincy Market at Faneuil Hall Market Place. The food was delicious, and there was a lot to see. Entertainers were scattered around the marketplace - mimes, one man bands, etc. My personal favorite is the man dressed in colonial clothing below (you'll see why). Claire and I packed our lunches so we could splurge on dessert. I had a yummy chocolate chip cannoli and coffee, and Claire picked out a giant M&M cookie.
Claire & her cookie...

The colonial man (drinking a Coke)...
After eating and walking around Faneuil Hall a bit, we made our way to Boston Common, the oldest city park in the U.S. Boston Common is the home of the "Make Way for Duckings" statue, based on the book by Robert McCloskey.
Claire had fun (once we woke her up from her little nap in the stroller on our way to the park) playing on the ducks...
We had such a nice day in Boston. The weather was beautiful, and Laura did such a great job planning our day and navigating us around the city. I also learned that Claire might be more of a city girl than mountain girl. When we asked her what her favorite part of Boston was, she said, "The Train!" I think it's funny that she's afraid of campfires but loves the subway. :)
Sunday, we got up and went to Laura's church. Claire shocked Laura and I when she asked if she could go downstairs to children's church with the rest of the kids. I didn't think she'd stay and let me leave to hear the sermon when she didn't know anybody. However, she made herself at home and forgot all about me. When we came to pick her up after church was over, she cried and wanted to stay! Just when I think she can be so insecure and have separation issues, she shows me just how independent she can be. I was so proud of her!
After church, we got to meet Laura's grandmother and Aunt Sharon at their house, where we had lunch together. After lunch and a little playtime (Laura's grandma had all kinds of toys for Claire to play with), we drove up to New Boston, New Hampshire to a farm stand where Laura's brother and his girlfriend work. Here are a few pictures from the farm stand...
We had a GREAT time during our trip! It was so good to see Laura and visit with her, and we did so many fun and exciting things. Thanks, Laura, for your hospitality and kindness in having us stay with you! Thanks, also, for your great friendship - we both treasure you!!
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