Saturday, January 9, 2010

A Cold Winter's Night

I just snuck into Claire's room to snap this picture quick...

Unless it's a bath night, Claire typically wears summer p.j.'s to bed and still sometimes complains of being hot. Tonight was a bath night, and she must have been feeling exceptionally chilly, because she asked to wear a hat and gloves (actually, a mitten on one hand and a glove on the other) to bed. Of course, the mitten had to come off for thumb-access. Grammy may also recognize that she is wearing her plush robe, which also has fleece pajamas underneath!! She should be nice and toasty now!!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll have to try a hat when I sleep to keep warm! Glad you were toasty Claire!
Love you both!

Unknown said...

What an adorable picture... and what a beautiful sleeping girlie!
Love you both!