Saturday, November 17, 2007

But I Don't Want To Go To Bed!!

Last night Claire and I went to stay with her cousins, Gabi and Isabella, so their mommy and daddy could go out on a date. We had a lot of fun playing, singing, dancing, giggling, and so forth. She was very tired after playing so hard and we were going to make it home just in time for bed. What Claire didn't know was that I had plans after we got home (and she went to bed) to watch Ratatouille with both my sisters and parents. It isn't every day that both my sisters are at the same place at the same time for Claire to enjoy, including my younger sister's boyfriend and very large dog. So when we pulled up at the house and she saw their cars, she got VERY excited. I was a little concerned for how bedtime was going to go. I mean think about it, how would you feel if you got home right at bed time with a house full of people you love to have around but don't see very often who are all sitting down to watch what looks like a really fun movie and you have to go RIGHT to bed??!!??!! I felt really bad for her. So after several attempts to lay down and several cries for more water, and other such bedtime stalling ploys, I finally let her snuggle on my lap while we watched one of the "shorts" before we started the movie itself. After the short, we had to actually turn the TV off and pretend the movie was over so she would agree to go to bed. I hear from onlookers that the look on her face while she was sitting on my lap read something like, "He he, look at me, I got Mommy to let me watch the movie with all the grownups."

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