Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Happy Camper Award

I gave Claire the "Happy Camper Award" for our recent camping trip. She went into it saying, "I don't want to go," and came out saying, "I love camping. I want to do it again!" She was afraid of the campfire before we went, and started to cry when the fire was getting started the first day. But before we knew it, she changed her mind and started to love the campfire! We had a great time with our friends from church, talking around the campfire, taking walks, going to the swimming pool, etc. Thanks to our friends who kindly lent us camping supplies (Tim and Nicoli for the tent, Kevin and Jenny for the air mattress, John and Wendy for the propane stove)! Thanks to Ken and Beth for covering our camping costs and sharing a campsite with us - your generosity is very much appreciated, and we so enjoyed your company! And thanks to Suzanne Risser for organizing the church camping trip, giving me advice and pointers, and generally making me comfortable with the idea of taking Claire camping. I hope it is something we can do more of in the future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Claire overcame her fear of the campfire!! :) Did she try smores? It wouldn't surprise me if chocolate was the trick. I'm glad it all worked out so well! I miss you guys. Maybe you can try camping in the north country sometime. :)