Someone recently asked me if I was feeling more settled in life than I was two plus years ago when I was faced with a difficult trial in my life. I understand why the question was asked, because it is probably what most people would expect. It is said that "time is a healer." However, I'm not convinced this is true after walking down the road I've been on.
I regularly follow a blog that was originally set up after a young man was in a tragic car accident on September 30, 2006. The blog was set up to let people know how to pray for this man who came extremely close to losing his life altogether. He is still not back to his pre-accident brain and bodily function, yet many continue to pray for Ian Murphy. His good friend, Larissa, writes:
"Time does nothing to grief but make it deeper and more wearying. Two years has not erased any grief. It hasn't made it easier. Time has only made the grief deeper as each day we live one more day without Ian the way he used to be. To re-use one of Steve's illustrations, instead of an intense grief, it now is always lingering, always over our shoulder, always ready to manifest itself.
"Ian's progress doesn't change my grief. It encourages me, but it doesn't even touch the grief that I know. Even if Ian were to be healed completely today, I would still grieve for what he has suffered and endured. I would still grieve for what happened to Ian September 30.
"There is much to say about grief, but this is it for now. For those who encounter significant suffering in their lives, maybe the grieving never ends, until meeting Jesus.
"'Sorrowful yet always rejoicing.'"
To check out Ian Murphy's blog, click here: