We've been strangers again...sorry about that. It's been a crazy summer with travel, all sorts of activities, and not much sleep in between. Here is a little update on what we've been up to since my last post. First, Claire seems to really enjoy wearing shower caps around the house. Here are a few pictures.

Also, my niece, Isabella, turned 3 July 9
th. Yeah, Isabella! Here are some pictures from her fun birthday party.

Claire went to Bible School at Mimi and Pap's church in mid-July. The theme was
Rain forest Adventure. Here is a picture of Claire with a
rain forest bird mask that she made. She wanted to wear it constantly!

I was so blessed to go to the beach over the weekend in late July with some close friends and without kids. Thanks to all of the
daddies for making that weekend possible! We were actually able to take long walks on the beach, talk without interruptions, sit, relax, and read on the beach. These things just don't happen with kids around. We all love our little ones dearly, and we were all happy to see them again when we got home, but it was refreshing to get some time away, encourage one another in the faith, and prepare our hearts for the tasks that awaited us at home.
Well, that's about it for now. Claire and I just got back from another beach trip Friday night, so I'll devote the next few posts to that trip. Bye for now!